Adverts can be placed here for Ford Consul Classic & Consul Capri (1961 - 1964) parts, cars or memorabilia. Adverts are free but expire after 30 days and will be automatically deleted. Please notes that any adverts that do not directly relate to the Ford Consul Classic & Consul Capri (1961 - 1964) will be deleted. Please enter price required in UK £ (GBP) without the £ symbol. Adverts for services offered may be placed free of charge, but please note the Club does not necessarily recommend or endorse these services. We recommend that payments are made using a service that has buyer protection (e.g. PayPal) and that liability for damage in transit is agreed in advance. Sellers please beware false responses.
Wanted for overseas club member

Wanted for overseas club member

Wanted for an ioverseas member: Front overriders Above grill trim. If you can help please contact us. The club can...
Total views: 13
front + rear screen Consul Capri , good parts carpet etc

front + rear screen Consul Capri , good parts carpet etc

to restore my CC body, i would need at last: 1x front screen + 1x rear screen (both missing!) later...
Total views: 49
Price: £ 200.00
Consul Capri Front Seats

Consul Capri Front Seats

Consul Capri front seats wanted in any condition....
Total views: 18
Near side rear window for Consul Capri

Near side rear window for Consul Capri

Near side rear window for Consul Capri with holding bracket or repair...
Total views: 8